Thank you all for following & supporting Jasslynn and The Palomino Family during this unfortunate medical journey in the last month. As most of you know, Jasslynn, has been admitted into Children’s Hospital for treatment on her current health condition. This has been a very overwhelming and exhausting process for her & the entire family to say the least. I, her mother Cassandra, will be with her 24/7 during her time in the hospital. I started this page for anyone who would like to show support and help the family during this time. At the moment I’ve started a care calendar for daily lunch & dinner meals for both Jasslynn & myself. We appreciate all the love and help being offered. If you’d also like to volunteer meals for our kids at home please feel free to reach me at (972) 374-6775. On behalf of Jasslynn, myself & the rest of the family we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and love
Special Notes
No spicy foods, no onions, no tomatoes. For get well gifts please text Cassandra at (972) 374-6775 to discuss restrictions.