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Supporting the Martinez Family in their time of need.



My cousin Marie told everyone about her sickness a few days ago. But what she didn’t tell you was they could use some help. With copays for all her medicines, the numerous specialists, gas, etc. It’s costing them so much money. There are also some private things going on too. They would never ask for help, they are the ones usually doing the helping. So I’m asking for them. If you could find it in your heart to help them, like they have helped so many. It would be greatly appreciated.

Special Notes

So as many of you know my husband was asking for prayers for me yet again… and this is probably new for a lot of you cause I usually keep personal health issues off of social media. And really only share them with a small group of people…But I’ve had about 6-months to soak it in and be able to let people who care about me know what’s going on. Even though I’ve never been a drinker, maybe once a year if that…I have Stage 4 cirrhosis also known as liver failure…pretty much they said it is hereditary. Some of you may know my Dad passed at 34 from cirrhosis, times were different and he did drink. But my dr said there’s a good chance I got it from him. That even being a drinker should not cause u to pass away so young…but like I said, times are different, technology is better now…I’m 2-points from being on the transplant list. I’ve been seeing the transplant dr from the beginning and he’s really good at his job… So Saturday night I wasn’t feeling well, just yucky and like I needed a neb treatment. Well I woke up Sunday and was like I need to go to the hospital I really don’t feel good… Then I started throwing up blood and couldn’t stop. They called the ambulance and I ended up in the hospital until Thursday night… The dr said unfortunately I will always have bleeds like this… They fix one thing and the blood will come from somewhere else.. every since Feb. I’ve been have a banding procedure done on my esophagus every 3 months… Sept 4th was my last band and they said I had no new bleeds in the esophagus… the redid the upper GI, when I was in the hospital and they found and infection in my stomach. And apparently that’s where the blood came from. This is now the third bleed… the first one was really bad, required lots of transfusions of plasma, platelets, and blood.. and a long ICU stay, second one wasn’t that bad, ended up just a quick stay and some blood… this time it sure looked like a lot… but I didn’t end up getting a transfusion, 7 is when they will give me a transfusion and I stayed at a 7.6… So now I’m home and insomnia is a fucking bitch !!!

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