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A Break for Damien Healing from his Break

Decatur, AL


As everyone knows during our labor tournament with the Storm, Damien was on his 2nd inning pitching in the 5th, doing very well. He threw a pitch and we heard the loudest snap ever and he dropped to the ground. We had an EMT on the other team who was able to sling his arm until EMS got there. He was evaluated for what they thought was a tendon or ligament tear and put in a sling and made the decision to drive to the Va in Birmingham. He actually broke his humerus in a spiral pattern. It could’ve been much worse so we are very thankful for that and for the concern and compassion of everyone ther. It was a very scary moment for my momma heart (and his daddy’s as well) and he was absolutely in shock from what had happened. I ask for my praying friends to pray for his pain to be as minimal as possible and for no complications in whatever surgery he may need. ❤️🙏❤️

Special Notes

Damien will be out of work for three weeks following his surgery. Being far from home we don’t have a huge support system so I’m hoping we can at least lesson his burden by getting some meals covered for him during his time in recovery.

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