Hello! My name is Jennifer, Paula's daughter. Our mother went on Hospice back in June of 2024 for lung cancer. I am starting this page because friends and family often ask what they can do to help and it's easy to say, "thank you but we're doing alright", when help will always be appreciated. So I decided to create a place where those that want to, or are able to, can sign up to help out with meals (meals for my mom or meals for the family). This can be a place for people to get updates on how she is doing without having to call and ask, see if we are accepting phone calls, texts, visitors, flowers, etc. I would like this to be a place where anyone can find a way to show their love and support for Paula and her family. Please take a moment to look around and if you have any questions at all, feel free to send me a message on facebook (Jennifer Hubeny) or through text if you have my number. - Mom loves to talk on the phone, please make sure to check and see if she is accepting calls, an icon will be at the top right of page letting you know. Please no calls before 8 AM and after 11 PM at this time. Feel free to leave a message if she doesn't answer so she can get back to you if she is sleeping, with the nurse or whatever she may be doing. Tuesday and Fridays is when we have her CNA and nurse visits in the morning and afternoon so please keep that in mind. Feel free to send a text for her to call you back. - Mom loves visitors!! Please make sure to check and see if she is accepting visitors, an icon will be at the top right of page letting you know. Please no visitors on her nurse visits days, these are Tuesdays and Fridays at this time. We respectfully ask that no one just come by without speaking to either my mom or myself. NO sick visitors!! If you have had a fever, cough, or any flu like symptoms within the last 2 days prior to your visit, please call/text and let us know another time for you to come. - Mom loves flowers, candy and snack foods. With the kids school and sports starting back up, I just know that I can only do so much. This is a new experience for all of us where days and weeks can be easy and then they can be stressful and hard. Thank you for you continued love and support for our mother and her family!!