Thank you ladies for considering participating in helping Chelsea and Zach keep the house clean after surgery. We're looking for five cleans before 4:00 p.m. on weekdays, Starting Wednesday March 20th. I'm planning to have some sort of notepad out so that the person who cleans can write down what they did while they were there that way the next person knows what to focus on. Cleaning options: dishes, floors mop vacuum sweep, surfaces, dusting, stove top Special instructions: Zach will not be available for questions on particulars for this does take away from his working time. Just need someone who can clean and take charge and Chelsea may or may not be available. Items and cleaning supplier will be set out. **Vacuum should not be on bristle mode on wood floors** Visiting time: will be based on how Chelsea is feeling.
Special Notes
If not all time slots are filled, we may send this out to other people, so please make your selections quickly.