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Love for the Mills Family

Kalamazoo, MI


On August 2nd, sweet Noah Mills was born! Shortly after birth doctors discovered he was born with a rare disorder requiring surgery and a prolonged stay in the NICU. As we can all imagine this is an incredibly delicate time for the Mills family. This page was created with the hope to provide some much needed practical help for them so they can focus on caring for each other as well as Lily and Noah. Any assistance you're able to give will be so appreciated!

Special Notes

******IMPORTANT******* Please refrain from coming to the house if you are feeling sick at all! It's very important that their family stay healthy so they can continue to go to the NICU and care for Noah! Due to Rachel and Lily's severe food allergies please remember to take off your shoes and wash your hands as soon as you enter their home. Please also remember to wash your hands before handling any dishes if you are helping with that. Let's keep their home a place where they all feel safe and loved! That being said, meals and meal prep are not the best ways to care for the Mills' right now. However, Meijer gift cards/gas cards, as well as any donations through venmo are very much appreciated! Thank you for your compassion and generosity towards this sweet family! Venmo: @Rachel-Mills-23

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