Marsha lives across the street from me and has been so kind to my family over the years giving my children gifts, leaving cookies on our porch, and spreading kindness and showing God’s love towards others wherever she journeys in life. She has already faced many medical challenges, and is preparing to face more in the near future. She so appreciates any support you can provide during this time- especially prayers! In Marsha’s words: “In June I went to the Mayo Clinic to get an update on my Chiari Malformation and it was discovered at that time that I had a brain aneuryms. At that time we also discovered that I needed to have brain decompression surgery. I had the brain aneurysm surgery inJuly and the brain decompression surgey is scheduled for September 20. We hope to return from the Mayo Clinic by September 30. I think that it would be best to have meals every other day starting on October 1.”
Special Notes
“We do not have any allergies and are open to any types of meals.”