Helen and Nelson have officially had their baby! Her name is Margot Clementine Esseveld, and she and her parents are doing great. However, Margot decided to show up a bit early. She will be in the NICU for awhile, while Helen stays with her mom nearby so she can visit Margot daily. There's still a farm to run, so Nelson is steering the ship in Longmont, visiting his gals as much as he can. We want to take meals off of his to do list, and come October and November, help the whole fam as Margot explores her new home! It's been a crazy road to welcoming Margot. Let's smooth out the road of the first few months for them - together!
Special Notes
Helen and Nelson are self proclaimed non-picky eaters (no allergies either), and they have a better spice tolerance than most. Helen has asked for salads with proteins, but they'd love freezable meals too!