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Caring for Talitha

North Hollywood, CA


For those of you who don’t know, Tali has an Astrocytoma Grade 3 brain tumor that is still there after her 2nd surgery in October. It is growing a cluster of cysts as well. No surgeon can remove the tumor due to the type and location. She hasn’t worked since July. Due to her pain and seizures and treatments, Tali is not able to take proper care of herself. She lives alone and has no family support. I have been in Tali’s life off and on since she was a teen. My life doesn’t allow me to take constant care of her so it takes a village...Please join me in scheduling meals and groceries and visits...perhaps some Christmas Crafts. Let’s surround her with love and support so she can heal and feel better and loved.

Special Notes

Will add special notes as necessary.

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