Baby Aiden has made his arrival into the world... Cherish has give birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy on October 6th. All of us are very happy for Nasko and Cherish to be giving Ivy a baby brother. While they have family helping for a little while, it will be a wild ride with 2 kids under 2 years of age, and they will need any and all support that we can give and that they are open to. From making sure meals are prepped to help with getting groceries in the door, and maybe even giving Mom and Dad an opportunity to nap--it may be a cliche, but it really does take a village. Given that they both don't have family in the traditional sense nearby, most of us see them as our family. They have given all of us warmth and community over the years, so lets give them some kindness. --Elle
Special Notes
I spoke to Cherish and she is happy to welcome any support including texts, calls, and even visitors on the calendar days provided. All she asks if you plan on visiting is to ask if they are open to visitors at that time and arrange with Nasko or Cherish before hand. If any other boundaries come up over time, I'll be sure to add them here.