It truly takes a village for most things in life. Thankfully Nico & Ciara are surrounded by truly one of the best. MealTrain is a simple thing we can do as their family and friends to support them as they are transitioning into a new normal as a family. Whether it’s sending them a E-gift card to help ease finances while staying home with the babes, dropping food off or having food delivered to them. Let us all come together in an organized fashion to help this transition be more of a breeze than a challenge. As well as showering them with the love and support they deserve.
Special Notes
We would like visitors to not be constant. Obviously if you’re dropping food off please respect them and give them the option to have you just drop off at door. They are going to have a lot less sleep and after having a baby the last thing you want to do is have to try to get ready for guest especially when you aren’t feeling 100%. Also, if they give the go ahead to visit make sure you’re washing hands before touching baby along with absolutely no sick visitors. Covid is still going around and the last thing I want is for this loving situation to turn into baby girl Noelíz to get sick.