I’m getting top surgery on October 23! It’s an outpatient procedure which means I’ll be home a few hours after the surgery is done, but recovery requires me to be pretty much on bed rest for about a week and then not lifting anything or raising my arms at all for about 6 weeks. This means I’ll need help doing pretty much everything around my apartment for a significant amount of time, including: - cooking - cleaning and taking out trash - bathing - walking Rocko - grocery shopping - getting my mail/packages - bringing me meetings until I’m cleared to be in a car / taking me to meetings until I’m cleared to drive Rocko can be a little unpredictable around other dogs and people while on walks, so I’m hiring a dog walker to take him out three times per day. But everything else is fair game!
Special Notes
No spicy foods, please. Meals should ideally be low-sodium (please season it lol - I just shouldn’t have more than 2000 mg of sodium per day), high-protein, and include a vegetable. There is street parking on 16th street after 7pm. Press 357 on the call box and I will buzz you in. Take the first set of elevators to the 7th floor and walk straight to the end of the hallway. Call me or Olivia if you have any issues.