Greetings friends and family! I started this page to inform you of my upcoming top surgery procedure. This has been a two year process and I have so many feelings that it’s on June 19th. I have not been very vocal about my process as I have protected my personal thoughts, opinions, and feelings around my decision. It has brought me much peace, but I also understand that help and support is necessary with a major procedure such as this one. I would love to see my folks over the next couple months (6 week recovery) as I will not be performing over the summer. This is a first and I am making that mental adjustment as well. I am very blessed that my parents are flying in for my operation and helping me throughout my first couple weeks. You have been such an integral part of my life so I wanted to welcome you into this new chapter as well. In this next chapter, my name will not be changing and I will continue to use all of the pronouns. I’m really looking forward to jumping some rope, jogging, hell, wearing my favorite t-shirts!! As far as support goes, meal help is always a plus, but hanging out watching the WNBA and movies is my jam. And while I’d love to share more of my story in person, I’d also like to get to know you more. My lifestyle on stage and always in an event leaves me with short and surface conversations usually in loud environments. I truly want to hear about your life and all the things you do if you’d like to visit. Thank you so much for the support you’ve shown me throughout my career as an artist and educator. I am nothing without my community and I am so blessed and proud to call you friend.
Special Notes
As far as food is concerned. I love non-spicy Thai food, seafood, sushi, and Mediterranean. I don’t really eat pork, beef, or much fried food. But if you are receiving this page, you have my number so hit me!!