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Helping Nicole Recover

Pineville, MO


I started this page so we could get help with meals while I recover from a surgery I will have on May 3rd. I will be home for 6 weeks recovering. This would help us out tremendously since my husband will be working then coming home to take care of me. If you would like to Cashapp: $hillbillypops

Special Notes

We have no dietary restrictions. Other then will be on a mild diet. Could use some ensures and Gatorade, or Body Armour, water. Will not be able to have spicy foods at first even though I love tacos. 😢Please just give us a call that day to make sure we don't meals planned out. Contact us to see who is home before coming by. On days Gabe is at work we put on the calendar Adult Care thats for people to check on Nicole while husband is at work. We just would like who is free to stop by and check on Nicole and make sure she is okay.

Care Calendar