Hi. My name is Cindy. I am battling Fallopian tube cancer for the second time. I have treatment currently every 3 weeks. The first week and half I am pretty tired. My husband John & son Cameron are my in home care takers for now. My daughter Christy comes up from Vegas as needed too. What I really need is friend visits and for a week after treatment help with dinner. We are just a family of 3. We are on a very fixed budget with my husband taking early retirement and our son is working and going to college. I too am retired. Thank you in advance. 3/29/2024 I added a few mind body and sole gift ideas. The mind is the mighty vessel to the body. Tu
Special Notes
Dietary restrictions are no milk products & low sugar and low sodium meals. Substituting with almond milk and salt substitute as well as trivia for sugar substitute if cooking a meal. Gift cards to order meals from local restaurants are great too.