On Monday, 8/12 Kristin experienced some odd dizziness/ lightheadedness and presented to urgent care then the ER. She was sent home that night as it was thought she had a viral infection and it would run it's course but then Dan took her back into the ER on the morning of 8/13 as she spiked a 104 fever and became delirious. She only knew her name and couldn't read, type a text, talk coherently, or even recognize her family members. After many tests, she was diagnosed with septic encephalopathy, meningoencephalitis, and a blood infection. Luckily her cognition continues to improve and she eventually moved out of the ICU and home sweet home Monday, 8/19 just in time for school to start today. She will be doing OP IV antibiotics daily in the clinic for approximately 3 weeks maybe longer and at this time it is unknown how long her recovery will be therefore to lighten the start to the school year and allow Kristin to rest, meals and/ or other gift cards/ cares are greatly appreciated. As of now Kristin tires very easily with all tasks and is sleeping a lot. Any questions or suggestions feel free to reach out to me, Amber (701-770-3016), Rachel (701-361-6654), or Jen (206-795-3415). On behalf of the Hauschilds, Thanks for all the support!! :)
Special Notes
No restrictions as far as food goes! Please leave items on porch in cooler if available and please don't knock on door or ring the doorbell as the pups get too excited when visitors come and Kristin may be sleeping. THANK YOU!