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Xaiden strong


Xaiden’s story 💙 My name is Alexis Stauder, I’m a mother of 3 girls & now also a baby boy named Xaiden. We were so so excited when we found out in October that we finally got our boy. We’ll come December our whole world came crushing down on us. After having 4 anatomy scans we found out of boy has HLHS ( hypoplastic left heart syndrome) essentially he was going to only be born with half his heart because the left side never grew. We met with children’s fetal care team for cardiology & were given 3 options 1.) abortion 2.) comfort care after birth 3.) or a series of 3 open heart surgeries over the course of his first 4 years of life. With the first 2 being before 6 months old. Of course we wasn’t gonna give up on our boy so we decided we was gonna go through with the surgeries. With that we found out I had a severe case of Polyhydramnios, we was told we would have to pack up our life’s and move to the Ronald McDonald at 26 weeks pregnant. We did just that having 3 appointments a week, only seeing my girls on the weekends, & being away from all our support friends and family. Well come February 26, I had to undergo a procedure to try and get the fluid out or it was gonna put me into worse chances of not making it out my csection without hemorrhaging. We got through the procedure but bub didn’t appreciate it and was ready to come at 36 weeks. February 27, 2024 my 7lb 0oz little heart warrior made his appearance. While I was at good Sam’s in recovery they got my boy transferred to Cincinnati children’s to get him stable and do all the test they needed. He had a bumpy road before his first open heart (the Norwood procedure) was intubated at 24 hours of life. He had his Norwood at 6 days old it ended up being a 14 hour procedure. Well 4 days after his procedure he finally got off the ventilator & finally at 11 days old I got to finally hold him for the first time. We was able to be discharged at exactly 1 month & 1 day old. We were unfortunately unable to return home because he’s such a high risk between his Norwood and Glenn & they wanted us to remain close to hospital so we have been here at the Ronald McDonald since. He’s had a few more bumps in the road including 3 hospital stays one including an emergency cath because his pulmonary artery narrow and stop blood flow to lungs. With our last readmission we just had we found out Xaiden has had a chronic stroke & resulted in him now having cerebral palsy & loss of his limb range of motion on his left side on top of the HLHS. We don’t know what the future holds for our baby but I know we’re gonna fight and remain strong & do everything we can to get him through these surgeries without needing a heart transplant. He will have his Glenn procedure June 25, 2024. We are praying to be home home 2-3 weeks after. We will have to come up to Cincinnati Childrens weekly for neurology, pt, ot, & cardiology appointments. We don’t know exactly what the future holds but whatever Xaiden needs we will do no matter what. Due to all of this I have been unable to go back to work full time, which lead surrendered my car back to the bank. All of this has been an emotional roller coaster for us & our girls but we’re remaining faithful that the lord will guide us through any situation that is to still come our way. Sorry for the long post thank you for listening ❤️💙🫀#XaidenStrong. Update Xaiden has had the “Glenn Procedure” and is currently having complications & is back on the vent on 100% support and is not doing well.

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