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Prayers for Parker, support for the OBrien Fam as Parker battles T-Cell Lymphoma

Mesa, AZ


From Riley 9/27 Our sweet Parker Jackson, since Tuesday we have been at Phoenix Children’s trying to figure out how he went from a couple days of a cough and being out of breath to PCH urgent care then being sent straight to PCH main hospital ER to ICU with a 10cm mass pressing against his right lung. After tests and biopsy we have gotten the news no parent should ever get. Parker’s out of the ICU and we got moved last night to the oncology floor and is starting his cancer battle with T cell lymphoma. We would appreciate prayers, love and support as our families lives has literally been flipped upside down in a matter of 72 hours. Josh’s high school he was coaching at has graciously set up a GoFund Me if you feel led to donate that will help tremendously with meals, bills, gas anything. Parker has about 3 years of treatment ahead of him and if you know him he’s going to fight hard till he’s cancer free! Thank you in advance for all the prayers, love and support🤍🎗️

Special Notes

Venmo:@riley_lombardi13 Zelle:480-797-6831
