
Being Supportive
Need Some Help? We Got You! Here’s How To Organize A Meal Train!

It can feel daunting after you volunteer to organize a meal train, but we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll equip you with the essential know-how, whether you’re a first-timer or just need a quick refresher.

As the old saying goes, “Food nourishes the body, cooking nourishes the soul." This is the essence of a meal train. It’s about rallying support for a loved one during life’s big moments – a new baby, a recovery period, or a significant loss – by sharing the universal language of food.

Typically when you organize a meal train, a family member, neighbor, friend, or loved one creates a set schedule to prepare and deliver meals for someone experiencing a significant life change. This individual may not have the time or energy to cook or get food for themselves. Other people can then view the chosen dates and required meals and sign up to cook for them. It offers a simple and tangible way to demonstrate your support and readiness to help, even if it’s just through a warm bowl of soup.

If this is your first time attempting to organize a meal train for someone, you’ve come to the right place! If you’ve made one before but you need a little refresher, you’ve also come to the right place. Today we’re going to give you a guide of sorts for everything that goes into organizing a meal train.

We will be covering:

  • Gathering important information.
  • Top tips and techniques.
  • Do’s and don’ts of meal preparation.
  • Setting up a meal train page quickly.

Check out your meal train page on the go! Easy way to keep up with updates to see if any last minute changes have been made, and it’s perfect for communicating with the recipient.

Question Time And Information Gathering

But first, communication is the cornerstone of a successful meal train. Here’s what you need to discuss with the recipient:

  • The duration of the meal train. They typically last four to six weeks with three meals per week, but individual needs vary.
  • Food preferences or allergies. You want to ensure that the meals prepared are enjoyed and safe.
  • Best times for meal drop-off. This prevents any mishaps like undelivered meals.
  • Preferences for meal types. Ask if they prefer ready-to-eat meals or something they can freeze for later.
  • Their preference for company. Some might appreciate a little chat, while others may prefer a quiet drop-off.

Let your loved one know you’re going to be headed out the door soon with their tasty treats all packed up and ready to go!

Tips And Tricks Of The Meal Train Trade

Now that you have all of the details written down it’s time to get into the technicalities. There’s a lot that goes into making sure a meal train runs smoothly and we’ve got some tips that we think will be helpful for everyone involved.

  • Have a clear and concise schedule where people can let others know what they plan to make. We don’t want the recipient to end up with 5 lasagnas and 10 casseroles all in a row.
  • Know what containers you’d be fine with giving away. The recipient has a lot going on at the moment and the last thing they want to worry about is coordinating who gave what dishes and what to give back, keep, or throw away. Disposable containers are popular because you can package them and give them away with no mess, or labeling which containers are yours and what you’d like back is an easy way to make sure they don’t get lost.
  • Don’t knock a gift card! If you aren’t the best cook in the world but you still want to help, no problem, there’s restaurant and fast food gift cards for a reason! Ask what their favorite restaurants are and get them a gift card. That way they can get delivery and you don’t have to worry about burning a dish.
  • Bring snacks! Not everything you bring has to be a big fancy meal, sometimes a few of their favorite snacks or sweet treats is enough to ease their stress and lift up their spirits.
  • Text or call when you’re on the way with food. Even though they know when drop-off times are it’s still nice to give updates on when you’re headed their way with food.

Easy tips and tricks to remember when the time comes to cook and deliver food to the meal train recipient.

Bring in the whole family to help cook! The little ones can learn about how things are made and it’s nice quality time together.

The Do’s And Don’ts Of What To Bring And What To Do


  • Strive to cook just the right amount for everyone to enjoy and have leftovers, but not so much that they need to discard excess. Remember to consider the size of the family and their appetites.
  • Always include clear instructions. If your meal requires a specific preparation method, let the recipients know. Provide a step-by-step guide to ensure they can recreate the intended taste and texture.
  • Think about weight and temperature when packing your food. Avoid accidents or spillages during transit by placing heavy items like tubs of ice cream at the bottom, while keeping lighter ones, like a delicate pie, on top.


  • Ask too many questions about what’s been “going on" with them recently. If they want to share then they can share. Ask a general “how are you?" and see where the conversation leads.
  • Forget the add-ons! Drinks, spices, and condiments can easily be forgotten while packaging up everything, so make sure to give them some extra flavor to go with their meal.
  • Forget to bring food. This might seem pretty obvious but as we know life can get busy and you can forget that your day for making a meal has come. Leave a reminder on your calendar the day before and the day of so you can make sure you’ll be ready to cook and deliver!

Now That You’ve Got The Info, Where Can You Make The Page?

Now that you’re armed with all the essentials, where can you organize a meal train page? Say hello to Give InKind! This free online platform allows you to organize support for anyone, anywhere. With its intuitive interface, you can set up an ‘InKind Page’ or a meal train page in just five minutes. Share it with the recipient’s community, and they can sign up to bring their support.

Organizing a meal train doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With this guide, you’re well-prepared to give a helping hand. With the Give InKind platform, organizing a meal train is a cinch. Remember, you’re not just delivering food; you’re delivering love and support in a tangible way. Happy meal train organizing!

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