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Supporting the Nash-Fater Family

Milton, MA


School vacation is supposed to be a joyous time to spend with family, but this wonderful family time was abruptly cut short for Kelly this past week. On Tuesday April 16, Kelly was in a very serious skiing accident. She suffered a massive right occipital skull fracture with underlying epidural hematoma, with dangerous bleeding to the brain. She survived a difficult surgery and is now on a long journey to recovery, already demonstrating her fierce determination to stay positive through this dramatic twist of life. Our hearts ache for our dear friend Kelly and her beautiful family. They will need our support over the coming months with things such as meals, childcare and fundraising to help reduce the burden of large medical costs, and we know you too want to help. This is why we created this page. Kelly dedicates her life to her students and her family, and our intention is to give back to her as much as she will need. Thank you so much for your support.

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