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Love for the Bailey's

Kansas City, MO


The Bailey's were in a horrible car accident on September 12th, 2024. David had to have both legs operated on and will be non weight barring for 6-8 weeks. Many broken ribs, lots of bumps and bruises. Jill had to have surgery on her left wrist, left foot is broken, sternum and 6 broken ribs and very bruised from her seat belt. They both have a very long road to recovery. David will be Moving to Skilled nursing until he can start rehab and Jill was able to go home after 8 days in the hospital. We are so Thankful to God watching over them and for all the nursing staff and Doctors that have been taken such amazing care of them. Our God is so Good.

Special Notes

You can call or text David or Jill they will answer when they can or when they are not resting. Visitors are welcome to come visit just call or text Jill for more information of his location.

Care Calendar