Hi All, I have started a meal train for Chantal and Matthew since she has just given birth on Tuesday, 5/28/24. To respect their privacy for the first few weeks, I've set her meal train up for gift cards for food, door dash, or pet meds only. I will visit her once she has gotten settled and relay any information regarding changes to her meal train or immediate needs.
Special Notes
Chantal and Matthew are very invested in natural and organic foods. She loves fruit, and likes to source a lot of her food from farmers markets or quality stores. She doesn't eat a lot of red meat, but eats all other meats. She also enjoys vegetarian and vegan options. Matthew is a phenomenal cook who makes lots of meals from scratch. This is just a small detail I know about their diet that I'm adding. Some of her favorite places to go include Nektar Juice Bar & Thai Paradise. She purchases a lot of her food from Costco, and lives near the Folsom Safeway store. Chantal has two aging border collies, Rhys (Reese) and Izzie. They are her world - well, second to baby now of course! As they have aged, their medications have crept upwards to $500/month as inflation escalates. She has to purchase the pet meds from her veterinarian (read: no discount), and she has voiced often how much it stresses her out. I know she would be beyond grateful for any assistance with this. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support her before, during and after her pregnancy! It is so greatly appreciated. Chantal, Matt and I cannot thank you enough!!