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Meal train to make mom’s life a little easier after having baby boy

Monticellli, MN


Hi! Asking for help isn’t my strong suit but in light of the unknown, here I am. On October 2nd I will be having my first C-Section and I’ll be going into it alone. I have no idea how much pain I’ll be in or how capable of moving around I’ll be. I’m nervous, scared, yet unbelievably excited to complete our family with my one and only son. 🥰🙏🏼 So I figure this would be such a wonderful way to help me while I care for my new baby boy, all while making sure my family is fed. Lilyana (6.5 years) Hannah (17 years) and myself would appreciate ANY help through my first couple weeks postpartum. Thank you so very much! The Eggert Family.

Special Notes

My kids and I are not picky and have no food allergies. At this time I’m asking for no visitors until I know how I’ll be feeling after baby boy is here. I will update this as time goes on. 🙏🏼

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