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Diane's Darlings

Santa Rosa, CA


Being the resilient and strong woman that she is, Diane Darling is holding on to life and making the best of her final days. Her breathing is getting better and her abdominal pain from the tumor is becoming more tolerable. This is a testament to the love and care she's been receiving from her community. Since her diagnosis and hospitalization, we've had tremendous support from her close friends and family as she needs 24-7 attendance. Hospice is providing some scheduled support, but it is limited and does not include overnight attendance. Briona and I are providing as much care as we can despite the tremendous impact this is having on our lives and professional work. At this point we need some more help. If you are a friend of Diane's and able to donate some time to help with her in-home care, please let me know. What we need are 4-hour shifts to hang out with her at the house and 12 hour overnight shifts. Generally this includes helping her with meals, taking her meds, naps, trips to the bathroom and generally making sure she's comfortable. Please use this site to sign up if you're interested in helping.

Special Notes

If you're unable to come for a full 4-hour shift, that's fine. 2-hour shifts are also welcome. Please just text Zack, Briona and Annie and we'll add you to the written schedule at the house. Zack - 707-888-7580 Briona - 707-478-8433 Annie - 707-889-2449

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