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Helping Ed heal, one meal at a time

Middleboro, MA


Hi everyone! As you know, Dad is having a hip replacement. His surgery date is set for Friday, February 9th! **WAS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY THE 4TH*** (Because of this change, I had to delete the time slots that were set up prior to the 9th) When asked to describe my dad, the first words that come to mind are selfless, strong, loyal, humble, and family oriented. Dad would truly take the shirt off his back for anyone. He has always been there without hesitation for his friends and family. Even as he can barely walk, and suffering in great pain (although he will hardly admit it even still) he still shows up for all of us in various ways. He's a true Marine at heart and always will be. He always tells us "not to worry about him" and often says "I'll be fine," but the fact of the matter is, he has such an altruistic heart and I just want him to know that he has an army of people behind him who cares as much as he does. Let's help him REST and recover after this procedure and surprise him with a meal train! He deserves it! It's not that he necessarily "needs" it, but a kind gesture will lift his spirits and help in his healing process. It's the little things that go the longest way ❤️ There's a calender below, if you're able to bring lunch or dinner for one (or more) of the days listed, just sign up for that time slot and drop it off that day whenever you are able to. (You could even choose to have it delivered- whatever works!) There are also other ways to help such as sending Gift Cards or even purchasing something off of the Amazon list below. Everything is set up so you only have to click a couple buttons and be on your way. Dad's email and address are stored so you can choose where to send gift cards/gifts. THANK YOU EVERYONE ❤️🙏🏻 I know he will appreciate all the love and it will surely put a smile on his face during this time!!

Special Notes

Dad is not picky and he definitely loves some spice!! Since he is Puerto Rican you really can't go wrong with rice & beans and Spanish style comfort food. Although he enjoys a wide variety of different styles from Italian to American, Seafood/Surf & Turf, Thai dishes with Ginger, nice hearty soups & more He has never really loved "creamy" dishes so I would say avoid those dishes that are super heavy on the dairy

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