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Team Hayden

Santee, CA


Hi friends, I am reaching out on behalf of our friend Alecia Velasco and her son Hayden. A few weeks ago, her son Hayden was handed a gnarly diagnosis. I have know this guy since he was in single digits, and this is just surreal. He has always and continues to be the light in a room. Sweet kindness in human form. Below, you will find a message from Alecia stating where things are at and their current needs that are spiraling everyday as the reality of this diagnosis makes itself deeply known. This is a marathon. The support needed will be long term. I encourage all of us to try and keep this top of mind, be it through time (visits and phone calls), services (driving, cleaning their house, running errands) spiritual or financial. Hayden is literally in a battle for his life. He needs his families full time support to fight this fight. Let's show up for them the way we all know how, FULL FORCE!!!! Alecia can make all of us smile with her laugh and light. It is our turn to shine light on her as they brave through a situation that we cannot fathom. Love- Keeks (From Alecia) In the midst of life's unexpected twists, it's surreal to find ourselves grappling with the harsh reality that our beloved Hayden has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) – a diagnosis that no family ever imagines. The outpouring of love and prayers since we received this news has been nothing short of overwhelming. For those unfamiliar with DLBCL, it's a formidable adversary, commonly known as cancer. Hayden, the incredible soul he is, embodies kindness and warmth. To witness him facing such a formidable challenge feels like an unjust twist of fate. He's the last person on Earth who deserves to bear this burden. As Hayden embarks on his journey through chemotherapy, we brace ourselves for an uphill battle. Yet, we believe wholeheartedly in his strength and resilience – qualities that will undoubtedly see him through. To those willing and able to contribute during this challenging time, we extend our heartfelt gratitude from the very depths of our hearts. Your support, in any form, means more to us than words can convey. If financial assistance is not feasible, your prayers, good vibes, warm thoughts, and positive energy are equally cherished. To everyone who has already reached out and shown unwavering love and support, we cannot thank you enough. Your kindness is a beacon of hope that lights our way through this difficult journey. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, thank you, thank you. With love and gratitude, Hayden and family

Special Notes

For meals No raw foods ( like sushi ) No fried foods Limited Dairy Limited processed foods and sugars High Fruits and Veggies(Like we all should be doin!)

Care Calendar