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Welcoming Baby Bodie

Wake Forest, NC


This page is dedicated to supporting The Banyai family following the birth of their son, Bodie. As many of you know, Bodie has a rare heart condition meaning that his entrance into this world will require some medical interventions and a potential lengthy hospital stay. The Banyai family expects to spend at least three weeks in the hospital before bringing baby boy home. We have created this page to help Joe and Mandy provide updates on Bodie's progress and facilitate love to them and their little heart warrior son. We hope that showering them with support and sustenance will allow them to remain fed and focused on baby. Check back for medical updates and pictures of the little man if you'd like and please know the Banyai's appreciate every prayer and all the love you provide!

Special Notes

Bodie's heart condition falls on the spectrum of hypoplastic right heart syndrome and the care plan for him will depend on a variety of factors determined after birth. The length of stay is variable and the level of interventions will range as well. The average initial stay is 3 weeks and if you are able/willing to provide help with meals, please consider they will be staying with Bodie in the Pediatric ICU and will be microwaving most meals. Please note: Joe is allergic to Bananas.

Care Calendar