
Bringing Comfort to New Parents: Essential Gifts and Meal Train Ideas

Becoming a new parent is an exciting and challenging time in life. With a newborn baby comes a lot of responsibility, sleepless nights, and countless moments of joy. One of the best ways to support new parents during this time is by organizing or participating in a meal train. In this article, we’ll share meal train ideas new parents will appreciate, plus other essential gifts and support that can make a difference during this special time.

What is a meal train and why is it helpful?

A meal train is a way to organize meals for new parents. It is a convenient way for friends and family members to provide support during the postpartum period. The idea is to organize a schedule of meals so that the new parents do not have to worry about cooking or grocery shopping.

Meal trains are helpful because they take the burden of meal planning and preparation off of new parents. This can be a huge relief during a time when they are already overwhelmed with caring for a newborn. Meal trains also provide an opportunity for loved ones to show support and care for the new parents.

How to organize a meal train for a new parent with Give InKind

Give InKind is a platform that makes it easy to organize a meal train for new parents all around the country. In just a few clicks you can get started coordinating support for anyone who could use meals, gifts, and fundraising–especially families welcoming a new baby.

To start organizing a meal train on Give InKind, create a page here and then share with friends, family, co-workers, and community. Supporters will sign up to provide any type of help requested, from meals and groceries to help around the house with chores and pets.

If you’re helping organize care by supporting a loved one’s Give InKind meal train, check out the Care Calendar to see what specific help they’ve requested and sign up to provide the support that works best for you. Check out the Wishlist and send any gift cards the family has requested. Support any Fundraising efforts that have been connected like a GoFundMe campaign, Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal account. And follow the Give InKind Page to receive emails along the way whenever new support is requested or Updates are posted.

Meal train ideas for new parents

When organizing a meal train for new parents, it is important to consider their dietary restrictions and preferences. Here are some meal train ideas that are easy to prepare, nutritious, and delicious:

1. Freezer mealsA cast iron pan contains a saucy, cheesy dish with diced green onions sprinkled on top. To the side of the pan are slices of rustic bread and two dishes of dipping sauce. One-Pot Meals are great meal train ideas for new parents.

Freezer meals are a great option for new parents because they can be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer for later use. Some easy freezer meals to make include lasagna, chili, and casseroles.

2. One-pot meals

One-pot meals are a convenient option for new parents because they require minimal cleanup. Some easy one-pot meals to make include soups, stews, and stir-fries.

3. Breakfast items

Breakfast can be one of the most challenging meals for new parents to prepare. Some easy breakfast items to make include overnight oats, breakfast burritos, and muffins.

Essential gifts for new parents

In addition to meal trains, there are many essential gifts that can help new parents during the postpartum period. Here are some ideas:

Diapers arranged in cake shapes and wrapped with multicolored tule fabric. Diapers and wipes are great gifts if you're looking for meal train ideas for new parents.1. Diapers and wipes

New parents will go through a lot of diapers and wipes in the first few months. Providing them with a supply of these essentials can be a huge help.

2. Personal care items

New parents may not have time to go shopping for personal care items like shampoo and soap. Providing them with a supply of these items can make self-care easier.

3. Baby carriers and wraps

Baby carriers and wraps can make it easier for new parents to carry their baby while doing other tasks. They can also help soothe a fussy baby.

4. Organic baby clothing

When selecting a gift, carefully consider the materials utilized in garments that directly touch the baby’s skin, such as underwear or socks. It is recommended to steer clear of synthetic fabrics and instead opt for organic materials like cotton or bamboo. For example, opting for kids’ and adults’ 100% cotton socks or underwear can be an excellent decision. These days, there is an abundance of clothing brands dedicated to organic production, making it easier than ever to find a reliable and ethical brand.

DIY gift ideas for new parents

If you’re looking for a more personalized gift for new parents, here are some DIY ideas:

1. Memory bookPink, knit, baby booties with facial features and pointy ears embroidered on. Homemade baby clothes and blankets are great DIY meal train ideas for new parents.

Create a memory book for the new parents to document their baby’s first year.

2. Homemade baby clothes

If you enjoy sewing or knitting, consider making some baby clothes for the new parents.

3. Photo album

Create a photo album for the new parents to document their baby’s first year.

Other ways to support new parents

In addition to meal trains and gifts, there are many other ways to support new parents during the postpartum period. Here are some ideas:

1. Offer to babysit

Offer to watch the baby for a few hours so that the parents can have some time to themselves.

2. Help with household chores

Offer to help with household chores like laundry, dishes, and vacuuming.

3. Provide emotional support

Simply being there to listen and offer emotional support can make a big difference for new parents.

Being a new parent can be overwhelming and exhausting,

but with the help of loved ones, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Meal trains and essential gifts can make the postpartum period easier for new parents, but there are many other ways to show support. Whether it’s offering to babysit or simply being there to listen, every bit of support counts.

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