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Meal train for the Moreau family

Salem, NH


Steve had a massive stroke on Sunday night and was rushed to the hospital with his girlfriend Lezlie. The news currently is not the best and everyone is hanging in the best they can. Amanda and Gabby flew out Monday morning and have been with them since. Her husband Matt was able to come home from deployment and is now with the family: Hunter, Christina, Matt, Lezlie and Steve’s brother Sylvaen. The rest of his family will be coming in tonight, Wednesday. They are currently in Tampa, FL and are staying at their home. But they are having to eat out for all meals at this time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will set up a meal train when everyone gets back home to help out everyone, including Lezlie in Florida. We appreciate everyone’s concern and I will update here when I get more details.

Special Notes

Gift cards are best at this time including gas cards Thank you

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