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Blake family LOVE

Westminster, MD


If you are receiving this email, then you're familiar (at least partly) with Caitlin's diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) in 2021, and the journey she has been on since then to find medications and treatment to help her live as fully and healthfully as possible for as long as possible. She recently had to make a change in her treatment program, requiring stronger medications that are making her very sick right now (hopefully just for a short while as her body adjusts). To help her husband, Davey, and the kids, we are organizing some meals to make some of the day-to-day things easier for everyone.

Special Notes

Important notes: *There is a NUT ALLERGY- please include all ingredients and be mindful of foods that may have been in contact with any kind of tree nut! The kids eat like most other kids: pasta, chicken, and beef recipes are favorites! Davey is not picky and he is very grateful! Please make sure instructions and ingredients are written if needed. If you choose a restaurant to pick up and deliver from- please take note of any frying oils (peanut oil, for example) to ensure the safety of everyone! Consider meals that can be used for lunch and dinner. Consider taking a weekend meal and providing a nice breakfast.

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