As many of you already know, my special rainbow babies are identical twin girls and around 16 weeks were diagnosed with something called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, requiring fetal surgery. At a little over 18 weeks (on Monday, March 22nd) I was evaluated at John’s Hopkins and had surgery that day. My little baby B had struggles with her heart rate and the surgery had its complications because of that, but miraculously (because we have a big BIG God) both twins survived and seem to be improving. Both still have a leaky heart valve and little baby B is struggling with some swelling after her heart rate issues, but overall the doctors are thrilled and we are confident the Lord will continue to provide. One of the restrictions after surgery is 2 weeks of bedrest and when I asked the doctor what I can do to make sure these babies stay as healthy as possible, the only 2 things she said was to act like I was still in a hospital bed and keep hydrated/eating. As I’m sure y’all can imagine, this is extremely difficult for me as a control freak and mother of a sassy toddler, but whenever anyone asks what they can do to help the number one thing that always comes to mind is food! So many of you have reached out and some have blessed us already with meals, and we are SO GRATEFUL!!! Hopefully this calendar can help this pregnancy brain keep everything straight. Thank you so much!!
Special Notes
Our family does not have any major restrictions! Due to early heartburn issues I am staying away from spicy things, and of course we have a toddler, so any simple casserole or classic dish is always a winner. But, seriously, we are open to eating just about anything that helped me stay in bed and Jesse (aka Mr. Mom) from having to worry about cooking and caring for Isabella at the same time!