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Support and Meals for Hailey and Family

Montgomery, TX


Hi everyone! I have created this page for a client and friend in need that I have come to know and adore. Hailey had a difficult pregnancy and things proved even harder when baby Amelia was born and admitted to the NICU. Since her birth Amelia has struggled with various medical issues. This has created a huge strain on Hailey as she is also the momma of a not quite 2 year old and is running on limited sleep and energy. Hailey is a hard working stay at home mom and her Fiancé Ben is working two jobs to support their family which means Hailey has zero breaks or downtime. The family would greatly appreciate assistance with meals to ease the burden or preparing and cooking food. Hailey is is need and willing to accept occasional relief in the means of a sitter for even just an hour once or twice a week so she can get a good shower (please message me or her with offers of assistance in this way). Anything helps!

Special Notes

Hailey and her family enjoy chick fil a, in and out burgers, Denny’s, Mexican food and Pizza. Any home cooked meal is great as well. They do not have any allergies or food restrictions but she does not feed her toddler any sweets or treats with added sugars.

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