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Dustin and Jens Journey

Topeka, KS


From Jen and Dustin! Well prayer warriors, we need you again! This time it is for my amazing husband, Dustin. We decided to share a Facebook page instead of making a new one for him so we could reach all of you. A few weeks ago, Dustin started to have some distention in his abdomen. We consulted our PCP and didn’t really get too far with him, got some bloodwork done and an ultra sound of his abdomen. That showed a possible fatty liver and possible cirrhosis of the liver. We were told there’s not much they do for that so we went on with our lives. He became more and more uncomfortable with his abdomen getting “fuller”. On Sunday, January 28th, we made the decision to take him to the emergency room. They ended up doing a CT of his abdomen and saw a bunch of fluid and “caking” on his abdominal lining which they said is more than likely a cancer called Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. They ended up admitting him into the hospital so they could remove fluid from his abdomen, the procedure is called paracentesis. They removed 6.5 liters of fluid, around 13 lbs! He was in the hospital until Thursday night. During that time they did an upper GI, a colonoscopy and another CT, this time with oral contrast. They couldn’t find anything abnormal on any of the tests, so they let him go home. He had a PET scan on 2/5 and that came back ok as well, the only thing that showed anything abnormal was the lining, which was nothing new. He had another paracentesis on 2/9 and they took 4.8 liters off that time. The oncologist in Topeka decided to send him on to KU Med. We met with the oncologist there today (2/13) and will meet with the surgeon on 2/14. Both doctors specialize in this cancer. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis is typically a metastatic disease which means the cancer starts somewhere else. The doctors are having a hard time narrowing that down as they can’t find any tumors on any organs. As of now they plan to go in and treat it aggressively. He will have a port placed on 2/15 and will have yet another paracentesis the same day to give him relief from the fluid that continues to fill in his abdomen. The plan is to start chemo next week and continue it for around 3 months. He will then have another scan to see if the chemo is working. If it is, they plan to continue it for around 6 months then if he is a candidate, he will go in for surgery and a hot chemo bath for his abdomen. This cancer is a tough one, but it picked the wrong person to mess with!! Dustin is the strongest person I know and WE are ready to fight…again!!!

Special Notes

If you are delivering food we ask that you put it on their porch. We appreciate your support.

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