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Supporting the Williams

Willis, TX


Our sweet Crockett decided to come a wee bit early! 23 weeks and 1 day and our Crockett Earl made his big debut. It’s been hard to say the least but GOD is SO good!! My sweet miracle boy has surpassed all the odds given to him so far! He is healthy and fighting hard! He has a long road ahead, but thanks to our village we’re ready for what lies ahead! After 3085 days I’m finally a MAMA, y’all! My whole world is complete! -Chasity Williams

Special Notes

Food: No dietary restrictions, Momma is breastfeeding so keep that in mind. Please leave the food on the porch in the cooler provided. Other donation methods: Venmo: @Chasity-Williams-13 Paypal is connected to the page; just click "DONATE VIA PayPal" in yellow block.

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