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Support for the Muscat Family

Santa Barbara, CA


Ollie Rhodes Muscat was born on 12/12/24 at 12:19 am, weighing in at 1lb 14.2ozs. And while he was cute the moment he met the world, he was also a micro-preemie which ensured a long road ahead in NICU given his due date was 3/20/24. As you can imagine, it has been a rollercoaster the last eight weeks for his older brother (Atlas), mother (Jess), and father (Jared). While Mom and Dad have gotten help from family and friends, they've found they've needed more support to keep pace with the daily demands of NICU visits, work, chores, and giving their oldest son Atlas all that he needs. Ollie is likely to be in NICU another six weeks, meaning the Muscats could use all the help possible to ease their daily schedule and prepare to welcome Ollie home. This page is dedicated to supporting Jared and Jess Muscat and their growing family.

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