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Team Clough

Hudson, OH


Our dear friend Katie is facing a challenging battle against Stage 4 Adrenal cancer. This site was created by friends & family to rally around the Clough’s with love and practical support. There will be sign up options to make a meaningful impact by contributing a meal or a carpool for kids sports, to ease the burden during treatment and recovery. Additional options like gift cards for groceries or restaurants may offer flexibility and convenience. All the love and support we can provide ensures Katie & Scott feel the warmth of our community during this challenging time. Together, we can make a difference and show that they are not alone on this journey.

Special Notes

Our initial plan is to provide support on busy kid-sports evenings. You'll see most sign-up options Tues/Thurs. We'll possibly add more (if needed) during chemo treatment & recovery weeks. There are no food allergies. We will include a few favorite spots to order from in the wish list!

Care Calendar