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Share the Love for Myrna


Share The Love For Myrna has been set up to allow us to show the love by helping Myrna care for her husband, Benny, who has been undergoing treatment for Hepatic Cancer for the last several months. The current chemo treatment has reduced the size of some of the tumors on Benny's liver but did not have the desired effect on other sizable tumors. Because of this, Benny has been referred to a specialist doctor in North Carolina. He will be receiving treatment at Duke University which necessitates traveling to Durham, North Carolina, multiple times over the next few months and will require overnight stays on several occasion and possible 2-5 days stays as well. Myrna and Benny will need to drive to Duke University for initial testing on March 18th and surgery is scheduled for March 26th to install a Hepatic Artery Infusion pump, to deliver high doses of chemotherapy through the hepatic artery, which directly feeds metastatic tumors in the liver. The surgery will require a 4-5 days stay, if all goes as planned. Once the port has been placed, Myrna and Benny will visit Duke University every two weeks for two months for regular chemotherapy and the high dose chemotherapy to the liver. Testing will be completed after the two months of treatment and if all goes well, Benny will have surgery to remove the right section of his liver and allow it to regenerate. I know that the Johnson's have the faith beat this, but I also know that they can’t do it alone. So I’ve set up this page to help defray costs of travel, food, lodging and medical care. All monies will go directly to the Johnson Family. The need is emergent, especially your prayers. Thank you.

Special Notes

If you wish to learn more about Duke University's ground breaking work with Hepatic Artery Pump Infusions, click on the link below:
