Hey everyone!! Jessica and Jason are about to have their first child and it can be so difficult to have the energy to make dinner with a newborn. This is a page to help support them in providing them with dinners for a couple months after the baby is born. DONT LIKE COOKING YOURSELF, NO WORRIES! I have added Doordash gift card, along with some other favorites so you can give a giftcard if you'd prefer, and they can have it delivered to their home instead. Either way is super helpful and appreciated. Thank you!
Special Notes
Just a couple special requests, please no food with mushrooms, any seafood, and NO MEAT ON FRIDAYS. Also, as a nice bonus, don't forget to maybe include breakfast snacks for the following morning, examples: muffins, bagels, fruit salad, frozen breakfast burritos, oatmeal cups, etc. Please keep in mind, if the food is frozen or needs to go in the oven, bring the dish a little earlier for cooking time. For example, a frozen lasagna that needs cook time of 1 hr, deliver it around 4-430ish to be ready to eat before 6pm. If you deliver a meal, just leave food on the front porch and txt Jessica to let them know when the food has arrived. Please no knocking, dogs may bark and wake baby boy :) Thanks!