This page is to help arrange care and transportation for Randy’s radiation treatments as well as meals and groceries to relieve our mother as much as possible. Our dad has a very aggressive brain tumor and needs our help to help him fight his horrible disease. He will be home Memorial Day weekend and radiation will start right away. Radiation treatments will be five days a week, starting the week of Monday 31. It is Monday through Friday. Time is yet to be determined but will be hospital business hours. The radiation treatment last 15 minutes and will be at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. We need support from his family and friends willing to take him to and from and stay with him for his treatment. Radiation is known to make patients very lethargic and weak. We have no way to know how it will affect our dad but we have to plan that it will be very tiresome on him 5 days in a row. Randy needs all the love and support he can get right now from all of his friends and family. We appreciate all the support you’re willing to give! I know he is looking forward to visitors and can’t wait to see you all!