Catalina (Kah-Tah-Lee-Nah) Zuluaga was born on 7/24/24 @1:24 PM weighing 8lbs and 2 oz Mom and Dad are over the moon with her arrival and learning what it means to be first-time parents!
Special Notes
The family welcomes all cuisines and flavors that will bring healing and comfort! The family has no allergies. In addition, the family welcomes help with laundry, housecleaning, etc. Preferred delivery/visit time is 3PM - 5PM. If possible, the Zuluagas prefer home cooked meals from the recipe book "Sacred Kitchen Fire" ( or meal services from any of the follow postpartum delivery services, instead of Uber Eats, Seamless, etc. - Chiyo ( - Welcome Home ( - Nourishment by Katya ( - Chen Mommy Kitchen ( - Food Doula NYC ( - Auspicious Beginnings Doula (