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Love for LC


As many know, Kimberlyn was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia at 22 weeks. She was put on immediate home rest unable to return to her full time job as charge nurse at USA Trauma in Mobile, Al. Since the diagnosis she was deemed high risk. Following her first appointment with her high risk doctor she was admitted to USAC&W until the arrival of her baby girl. The first goal was to make it to 28 weeks, then 32 weeks, then planned delivery at 34 weeks. But God had another plan, and our sweet LC came at 25 weeks measuring only 21 weeks. Unfortunately, Kimberlyn’s preeclampsia caused major risks to the development of LC and her own health. This made the medical team make the decision to go for an emergency cesarean section on February 11th, LC arrived weighing 15 ounces and 11 inches long. So far mom and baby are doing fine. LC has a long road in the NICU, and mom and dad will also be residing as close to USAC&W as possible. In the meantime, we are wanting to organize this eGiftcard train to help with meals and other supplies needed during this unforeseen difficult season. We know God has a plan for this precious family and His unwavering love and faith will carry them. Aside from the wishlist, the only thing we truly ask of everyone is continuous prayer, specifically for the development of our sweet LC, guidance for mom and dad, and healing hands for the NICU team.

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