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Surgery Recovery Care for Heather

Grand Rapids, MI


šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ Hi Everyone. Itā€™s Heather. In late October following a mole biopsy, I found out that I have skin cancer, specifically Melanoma, on my left leg. It was later discovered in December that another spot on the same leg is pre-cancerous and will be operated on at the same time. The goal of surgery is for clean margines on both areas being extracted (meaning there are no cancer or abnormalities found on the outer parts of the tissues removed, so every cancer cell is fully contained & removed from my body through surgery). My case is being overseen by University of Michigan where Iā€™ll be receiving out patient surgical care. At this time, no further treatments are expected outside of surgery. Due to the area of where the cancer is located, the area on my leg might possibly need a skin graft rather than stitches to close the wound. (REALLY hoping this isnā€™t the case. Skin grafts are a much longer and more painful recovery). If a skin graft is used, my recovery will be longer than the 2 weeks with stitches and Iā€™ll adjust my needs on the calendar if the time line of recovery changes. While Iā€™m recovering, Iā€™ll be relying on my community to help with food and some basic home care like helping with both cat and a few chores. Thank you SO much for every bit of support in whatever way you can give. Iā€™m surrounded by incredibly generous humans and Iā€™m grateful for each of you walking along side me through this unexpected health scare.

Special Notes

Food allergies: Chocolate, Caffeine, Coffee, Some teas Food sensitivities: I watch the amount of dairy I consume, please no dairy heavy foods (a little is okay) Food preferences: I prefer to eat a lot of proteins (meat, fish, egg or plant based protein) and lots of vegetables and/or fruit If youā€™d like to come for a visit, please reach out! Iā€™m expecting that Iā€™ll be wanting company after the first couple of days after surgery. Iā€™ll be cooped up and would love to see my people. Please no flowers, the cats will try to eat them šŸ˜…

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