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Love and Support for the Mohr Family

Kansas City, MO


Love and Support for the Mohr Family was created to support Amy, Patrick, and Zoey as they navigate the tragic loss of baby Jayden Lewis Mohr. Let's rally around them to make sure they feel the love and support by helping with their day-to-day needs, keeping them fed, and easing any financial costs they may incur. The Mohr Family’s story in Amy’s words: After carrying my son for 39 weeks and 1 day I had to have an emergency C-section when his heart rate became irregular during labor. Upon delivery our son, Jayden Lewis Mohr, was minimally responsive and had to be intubated and put on a ventilator. He was rushed to the NICU and hours later was transferred to another hospital with higher level care capabilities for the severity of his condition. Patrick was able to go see him later that day, but I was still in the original hospital and not yet able to be discharged until the following day, when I was finally able to see him close to 36 hours after he was born. Jayden underwent 72 hours of cooling therapy where he was sedated, and his body temperature lowered to try and help his brain calm and heal. He then had an MRI that revealed severe, irreversible brain damage that they believe was caused by some acute event a few days before he was born where he was deprived of oxygen for 20-30 minutes. There was mention at this point that it could be potentially fatal but neither of us really thought that was a real possibility at that point, and the conversation focused more on the physical and intellectual challenges he could have after recovery. We finally got to hold him when he was 4 days old and had rewarmed and come off the sedatives. Although he was still minimally responsive, finally being able to hold him in our arms was the most amazing thing we'd be craving for days. The next few days were an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows and false hopes of him improving that culminated in the doctors telling us they didn't think he was going to make it. At this point they thought we might have a few days but we ended up only having a handful of hours. He got to meet his big sister and then we held him and and sang to him until his tiny body could fight no more at 933 pm on Thursday January 18th. He was only with us for 6 days, and he never cried or opened his eyes and was never able to breath on his own but we will forever cherish the moments when he stretched, moved or wiggled in response to our touch or voice and when we got to hold him and tell him how much we loved him. Patrick and I are taking things day by day trying to figure out how to continue to raise our daughter during this unimaginable grief, but we are so grateful for the amazing love and support we have received by so many friends and family that have truly been our lifeline. We continue to be blown away by the kindness and generosity of so many.

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