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Love For Modany’s Newest Addition

Brookville, PA


In preparation for baby Lydia’s arrival, here is a place you can sign up to help make the adjustment to loving on new baby and Elliott as a family of 4 easier. We all know Ashley is a planner- so let’s show her she can plan on not having to worry about some meals! What mom doesn’t love that?! As of now- ash is due 10/16!!!! But if baby is anything like big bro who came 3 weeks early, we can modify this and add earlier dates. You’ll see calendar goes through November. Some important November dates leading up to Thanksgiving when this ends is their wedding anniversary (11/3) and Michele’s bday (11/12)!!!! Even if we don’t cover everyday, they will certainly appreciate the opportunity to have some meals covered! As always, you can text ash, Michele, Abby, Annie, Didi, Heidi Hoak or Katie Peterson any questions or to assist!

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