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Baby Aleksandra and Mommy Jacquie

Colorado Springs, CO


Baby Aleksandra was born on 7/22/2020 - 5 weeks early.  She is currently in the NICU and making progress, and doing her best to stabilize blood sugars.  We are not sure when she will return home with the rest of the family. Jacquie is currently at home on bed rest and making trips daily to The NICU to be with Baby Aleksandra.  Justin is back to work until Baby Aleksandra comes home.   Transportation has been covered for trips to the hospital, and we’ve got Garrett’s days covered for care (as of right now). We would like to ask for meal preparation and delivery of meals.  Jacquie needs to keep her sodium intake low, so eating out is a limited option.  Thank you for your support to the Crutchley family.  We all greatly appreciate it.  

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