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Sarah Martin Dinners for Family during Chemo

Sedro woolley, WA


I have started this page for my dear friend Sarah Martin who recently found out she has cancer. Sarah is a single mother who works very hard to provide for her family and always has through many struggles. She's been a incredible mother to her children and has been the main support and emotional support in her families life's. She will be starting Chemo.and Radiation with in the next few weeks, And I want her to be able to rest and not worry about if her children are fed, dishes done, laundry or kids homework. Her last day at work was last Saturday. As we prepare for Sarah to begin her treatments we can only assume things could get rough. Not only on her but her sweet children. I'm hoping we can take stress off of Sarah and the family by signing up To Deliver Meals, help take kids places, or play dates, hope with homework, dishes, housecleaning and laundry during this difficult time. Sarah doesn't ask for much Actually anything, yet she is always the first to offer a hand to those in need. Let's show our love and pay it back to her. We Love You Sarah!

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