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Support and love for Mandi and family.

Franklin, OH


Hello everyone. I’m sure most of you know I’m Melissa, Mandis best friend. I to lost my mom almost 5 years ago and yet idk what to do or say to help her In this situation but I do remember the meals being sent. The grocery’s being bought or baskets full of basic necessities left on my porch were the most helpful because you don’t want to worry about those small details of your day. Or what you’re going to make for dinner. On top of having a newborn who requires constant care. While your mind is going a million miles a hour. So I wanted to create this meal train page where her family and friends could send gift cards or arrange to drop off a meal or have one delivered. I’m still figuring out the website so be patient with me! You can also message me if you need help navigating it as well!

Special Notes

There is no dietary restrictions. Although Bentley can be a little picky but he does love Mac and cheese and kfc and roosters!

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