As with many of you, Leigh and I are so fortunate to have Ange as our Best Friend. Amongst many other things, Ange is a beautiful wife, mom of three, dog momma to two and a teacher. Ange is considerate, kind, genuine, thoughtful and the first to think of someone else and remember a special moment.(birthdays, anniversaries, important doctors appointments etc.) As a giver by nature, it's often hard to accept being on the other side. But those who know Ange well, know that she would be the first person stepping up to help someone else. As many of you may know, with her permission, Leigh and I share that Ange has been Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It is no surprise at all that Ange has met this with Courage, Bravery and Grace. From what we know now, the road ahead will involve two surgeries with several weeks of recovery. As her friends and family we want to do whatever we can to help so the O'Halloran's can focus on eachother. They will have an army behind them, that's for sure! In creating this page,Leigh and I would like to help take away some of the daily burden for their family. We kindly ask that you respect their privacy during this time, but please know that any and all contributions are greatly appreciated! AUGUST DATES ARE ADDED AS WELL-SECOND SURGERY WILL BE LATE JULY/EARLY AUGUST
Special Notes
Thank you again for your support! Please note- along with the calendar, there is also a wish list if you wish to just send a gift card! For those looking to send a gift outside of this please feel free to email myself, Kate D'Addio, or Leigh Odell Matthews for more information on how to send it. [email protected] [email protected]