Dear church family, Thank you so much for helping the Rice Family with meals during this time. As we all know, they've had many family challenges and they need our support and encouragement more than ever. Please continue to keep them and their family in your prayers specifically their mom Lola, mama Jovita, Lupita's brother Arnulfo, and Marlon's uncle Kevin. Thank you all for being extremely supportive through this difficult time. 1 John 3:18 in His service, Mike & Lovi Hayden
Special Notes
Please prepare a meal or a meal delivery for three adults and two children. Meals can be delivered between 5:30pm - 6:30pm. If you could please text Lupita when you have dropped of the meal at the front door that would be awesome. If you need to arrange another drop off time, please call or text Lupita, (619) 805-9463. The family have no allergies and enjoys chicken dishes but they cannot have pasta or pork.