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Support for the Hedlunds

Minneapolis, MN


Jim and Norma Hedlund served as missionaries in Ecuador for many years. Norma recently had surgery on her hip. Their daughter, Kathryn, is caring for her parents at their home in Minneapolis.

Special Notes

Please provide food in labeled zip lock bags that serve 4 people. THey will prepare their own food withthe ingredients you provided. Food restrictions: They do not eat prepared, pre-packaged or processed food. They prefer orgnic and fresh food. Jim and Norma cannot eat hard food for it should be fairly soft. Kathryn CAN eat bean, but Jim and Norma CANNOT EAT BEANS OR LENTILS. Suggestions: 1-2 bags of COOKED meat (hamburger, cubed chicken, ground or cubed turkey, beef cubes, lamb ground or cubed) 1-2 bags of COOKED pasta (al dente) any shape OR cooked rice 1-2 bags FRESH chopped vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchili, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers) Salads: Simple and fresh with no processed ingredients Fresh Fruit Healthy Bread Eggs and Dairy ARE OK Soup: Homemade chicken noodle, vegetable soup, beef or lamb soup. Kathryn likes chili with beans. Note: canned tomatoes are OK

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